When you lose money in mutual funds, the mutual fund managers still take more of your money for what they did to your money. How absurd!
So, this year when the RRSP season came, I decided not to give money to my financial advisor anymore. If I have to lose my own money, I’d rather lose it myself. At least, I save the money that mutual fund managers have the audacity to charge me after they lose my money.
In late February this year, I opened up a self-directed RRSP account with TD Waterhouse. My contribution was $6,000 Canadian. It’s been sitting in this self-directed RRSP account since then till to-date, earning just a few pennies in interest.
Why? Because I decided to learn how to invest myself; I want to be a do-it-yourself investor.
I’ve been reading up on investments. I’ve been monitoring the market. I spend much time in identifying the constraints as a part-time investor, because I still have a day-time job to tend to.
And now I feel I am about ready to do my own investment.
The Canadian RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) is somewhat similar to the American 401(k) plan. The deadline for contribution to the RRSP of the previous year is the first 60 days of the year (usually the first day of March).